Where did the summer go to? Hope that you enjoyed yours and that those who have recently made the transition to 'big school' are having a good time settling in. Back on the 12 August there was a juniors event in the Library supported by Bob Wildig, Sue Sanders, John Hall and myself with some junior players lending a hand too. Rugby Art Gallery and Museum have given us the go-ahead to run another one in the Christmas Holidays so we'll be in touch then.
Meanwhile, lest we forget quite how much fun this was, here is a picture of Bob slightly flummoxed by the Marvel Super Heros chess set. :-)
It really was a great venue. As you can probably see its like chess in a goldfish bowl. We even attracted the attention of someone who who donated a three-way chess board. Thanks everyone - especially Jessica from RAGM for allowing us to use the room and publicising the event.